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Very awesome product. Doesn’t flake up. Parting comb is so bomb. Best comb I’ve ever used Marlena W.
Very awesome product. Doesn’t flake up. Parting comb is so bomb. Best comb I’ve ever used
Marlena W.
I love the fact that it holds and doesn’t flake up once dried. Good product will be a returning customer! Charrece E.
I love the fact that it holds and doesn’t flake up once dried. Good product will be a returning customer!
Charrece E.
I love the braiding gel. I just never received my comb so it’s hard to comment on the whole experience, nevertheless the product holds well. Victoria P.
I love the braiding gel. I just never received my comb so it’s hard to comment on the whole experience, nevertheless the product holds well.
Victoria P.
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